Category: Compensating personality twins

Questions, Comments & Concerns & Why Texas Twins Events Clients Look Different Than Pawning Planners Clients…

I review questions submitted on Instagram (wendywortham), Twitter (@texastwins2) , FB, Linkedin and my websites daily and a few are…

Meet My GingerTwin, Cindy Daniel & Bring Fresh Coffee…

For as long as I can remember, my twin sister has given anyone selling coffee the stinkeye whenever she orders…

A Wonderful Wedding With Friends Jennifer And Jenn Suzanne At The Stagecoach…

I never know where my travels will take me for weddings or events but last week was very excited to…

Twinning Through The Holidays With The Pawning Planners…

My twin sister can find humor in any situation but things can be far more funny when I’m planning for…

New Years Resolutions?  Dieting Tips & Tricks With The Twins…

For the past 3 months my saucy sidekick and I have been working on losing 40 lbs each by next…

Real People-Real Stories The Pawning Planners Have Helped Over 600 families In Six Years…

When people submit a trade and their story through this site it is often heartbreaking that they have no family…

Cooking With Cindy- The Redneck Granny “Gets Creative In The Kitchen”

Cindy and I are spending Monday’s, Wednesday’s,  and Friday’s at her gym in Weatherford and Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at mine…

The Pawning Planners Go On A Weight Loss Journey As A TwinTeam…

Today was the first day of a yearlong journey with my sister to lose 40lbs each over the next year…

Twitter, Instagram & FB-Social Media And Me…Why Interacting Builds Your Fan Base 

Today while at the emergency room with one of our Little Pawners, Maryssa Mahaney who had stepped on a rusty…

A Story To Tell- The Pawning Planners & Travels Of The Texas Twins Events Team…

Throughout my life I’ve had many jobs to get by, a few of them fairly forgettable and a few of…

© 2025 The Pawning Planners – Need or desire a dream event? We take trades!