Tag: Marriage
A formal marriage license can be obtained from any county in Texas and the marriage can be performed anywhere by a Minister, Rabbi, Judge or Ordained official. I am registered in the state of Texas to perform marriage and also, marriage counseling through Twogether in Texas. Often, I receive phone calls or emails from couples wishing to obtain a certificate that reduces the standard fee of $71 for the marriage application to $11.00 NOT understanding that the requirements of the premarital education class involve 8 hours of learning AND counseling services are not FREE. I feel it is important to note that couples unable to afford the $71 fee might want reconsider getting married until they are at the very least more financially stable. Benefits of taking a premarital education course include: Enhancing your communication and conflict resolution skills to enhance your relationship. Learning the key components of a successful marriage. Receiving a $60 discount on marriage fees, and Waiver of the 3 day waiting period The 8 hour premarital class offered by instructors in your community may be a available in a variety of formats including: One day 8 hour classes Weekend events, or Multi week educational series Classes may be led by: Clergy, Ministers, or their designees Licensed mental health professionals or, Marriage educators In order to learn more about the qualifying marriage education opportunities in your area, simply enter the zip code, city, or county at www.twogetherintexas.com upon your successful completion of the premarital class, the provider will provide you a certificate to present to the County Clerk to receive your $60 discount when you purchase your marriage license. I offer marriage education classes at $75 an hour, so if you are considering taking the class ONLY to save $60 off your marriage application, you are not taking the class for the right reasons. If you are divorced in Texas, there is a 30 day waiting period after the divorce is final BEFORE marriage–unless waived. If the 30 day waiting period is waived, a certified copy of the document must be presented at the time the license is purchased. PLEASE REVIEW the address on the marriage license!!! I cannot stress this point enough, the address YOU provide at the County Clerk WILL BE the SAME ADDRESS your license is sent to after I file it in person at the Vital Records department. If your address is incorrect or, out of date, you will have to purchase a copy rather than receiving it in the mail. Declaration and registration of an informal marriage (Common Law) An informal marriage license can be obtained and recorded by a man and woman who agree to be married, and after the agreement, they lived together in the state of Texas as husband and wife and presented themselves to others that they were married. BOTH PARTIES MUST BE PRESENT. An absentee affidavit cannot be used for an informal marriage. A person under 18 may NOT obtain an informal marriage application. The fee is $36 cash or credit card (credit card use adds an additional 3% fee) Persons authorized to conduct marriage ceremonies in Texas: Licensed or Ordained Ministers, Jewish Rabbis, persons of the Court who are duly authorized to conduct marriage ceremonies, Justices of the Supreme Court, County and Probate Judges, Courts of Domestic Relations, Justices of the Peace, Judges and Magistrate Judges of the Federal Courts of Texas. The Minister/Judge /Rabbi who performs the marriage is responsible for recording the document either by mail or in person within 30 days of the event taking place. If the licensed is returned by mail, it is to be mailed to the following address: Tarrant County Clerk 200 Taylor Street Fort Worth, TX 76196 Hours of operation Monday-Friday 8AM- 5PM I do not mail marriage licenses, rather, the day after your ceremony I take them IN PERSON, to prevent your important document being lost in the mail, to the County Clerk who will record the document, stamp it and return it to the ADRESS that is on the back of the license, so PLEASE review the address when you receive your license on the day your application is obtained. Hopefully, this clears up any questions regarding marriage Counselling in Texas, discounts on marriage licenses, and lost licenses due to an incorrect address being provided at the time the application was made. However, if you still have questions or comments, please use the contact us link at http://www.texastwinsevents.com or http://www.thepawningplanners.com or www.texastwinstv.com Reverend Wendy Wortham Texas Twins Events

Twogether in Texas/State of Texas Approved Marriage Education/Marriage Application Texas

A formal marriage license can be obtained from any county in Texas and the marriage can be performed anywhere by…

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