Category: Inlaws & Outlaws

Clients Affected By Job Loss Due To Covid-19, Switched Bookings & Swapping Stories…

Three months and a few weeks ago, no one planned to be unemployed or have their hours cut. A little…

TDCJ Reschedules, Tantrums, Travel Expenses & Working It Out? Talking To The Twins…

It’s rare for a Pawning Planners Client to barter a prison weddings but it’s happened. When you are in the…

“YOU Won’t MISS The EGGS, Until The HENS Stop LAYING”

Yesterday while leaving TDCJ Hutchins State Jail, I was looking for great places to take bridal photos of Rita after…

Is Dr Phil Helping Or Hurting Families? Just Say No To His Show…

This afternoon, I answered a call from the Producer of Dr Phil regarding Stephaney “still wanting to go on the…

Belltower Chapel, Trinity Springs Pavillion And Back At Wellbridge…

Up at 6AM as usual, my sister, Cindy sent me a text that her daughter, Stephaney had called at midnight…

Piñatas, Chair Rentals, Party Planning & Client Referrals…Bridgeport Unit To Hondo Unit While Fielding Emails…

This morning while watering my plants, I ran into my neighbor Cris who happened to ask about my dad. Since…

Family Fun, Events, Road Trips, Rest Areas & Our Weightloss Journey? Why We Do Everything Together…

Twins fascinate people who aren’t twins for some reason but when you have two sets of twins in your immediate…

How Finding My Family Taught Me To Forgive My Mother-Risks, Rewards & Reality…

Many of my readers are familiar with my thoughts regarding divorce.  I have very strong feelings about dividing and separating…

When Christmas Isn’t Exactly Merry…Event Planning & Chaos Crash The Holiday…

For over a month, my twin and I have been shopping and trying to make sure that everyone not only…

Spring Break & Spring Cleaning-Boomerang Kids Need A Lot Of Space…

Cindy has some fairly funny stories about having her adult children and three grandchildren under one roof and today when…

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