I first heard about the Giving Keys while in Beverly Hills, CA with my twin sister, Cindy Daniel.

Cindy and I noticed that Kristin Webley was wearing a key and asked what the key went to.

Her answer inspired and interested us both and, she gave me the key she had been wearing while asking if we could spread the word about this inspiration to help others.

As you know, I support numerous organizations and, take an avid interest in doing whatever Cindy Daniel and our Little Pawners, Maryssa and Makenna Mahaney can do to help others. The website is www.thegivingkeys.com and, I hope you take a moment to visit the site.

Caitlin Crosby had the idea to start engraving old keys with inspirational words.

Realizing that in many ways people are like keys, unique, flawed, or scarred with the risk of being discarded.

Caitlin wanted these keys to have purpose renewed over and over again you see, the message of the jets is yours for a time, but once they’ve served their purpose with you, pay it forward to inspire another.

I created three businesses to reach back and help others by offering services that anyone could afford and, found this idea creative and unique, something as simple as a key could change lives? Yes.

The charity of the keys took shape when Caitlin saw Rob and Cera on Hollywood Blvd. holding a sign that said “ugly, broke and hungry.”

Caitlin took these strangers to dinner and discovered that Cera made jewelry!

Rob and Cera joined the team and started making Giving Keys the next day.

Today, the Giving Keys are carried in over 500 stores in the US and internationally.

March 2013, The Giving Keys began partnering with Chrysalis , a non profit organization dedicated to creating a pathway to self sufficiency for homeless and low income individuals by providing the resources and support needed to find and retain employment.

Truly and inspiration, The Giving Keys gives back!

Thank you Kristin Webley, I will always treasure a gift that does so much for so many!

