This weekend was a rough one for the Texas Twins, Wendy and Cindy along with my daughter in law, Stephanie Hafele.  Friday night we attended a rehearsal that I directed while Cindy and Stephanie took the photos.

Saturday morning we had an all day event with beautiful brides and had a great time arriving back at my home past 11 PM.

Sunday morning we were leaving my house when Laurie sent a text needing an additional boutennier so I drove into my alley, plugged in my glue gun and assembled one in 5 minutes. Yes, I know how to create just about any floral design “on the fly” because when you have performed as many events as I have you had better learn every aspect of your business.  Planning ahead is an effective marketing strategy to growing your business! 

Floral Designs By Wendy Wortham

After loading my SUV with centerpieces, chair bows, large glass votives and flameless candles, I (as usual) added duct tape, safety pins, three pair of scissors, additional flowers in the event a corsage or boutennier were damaged or lost, two flower baskets and a ring pillow along with a travel sewing kit, extra guest pen, first aid kit and bottled water for myself, Cindy and Stephanie. 

Wendy Wortham & Cindy Daniel Tear Down & Setup


Wendy Wortham & My Team Decorate Venue


Stephanie Hafele & Wendy Wortham Attach My Floral Designs & Chair Bows After Setting Up Chairs With Cindy For The Guests

  We didn’t expect that breaking down numerous heavy tables would be necessary prior to decorating the venue (who would?).  This took the three of us nearly 2 1/2 hours before we could begin to set up and stage the area for the wedding and reception with the items I was “loaning” for the event.  Yesterday, prior to departing, I made a video outlining why I will not under any circumstances “loan” my inventory to anyone not hiring myself or my team for services.  My inventory took years to create and thousands of dollars to buy the supplies which is why it is a “benefit” of either hiring myself or my
team.  I would never loan my car to a stranger and I don’t loan my inventory to strangers either.An email regarding “having no money” came through my Wedding & Event Services- Family Owned & Operated- Texas Twins Events stating that the bride was “frustrated and sad” and, had no money after
paying a wedding coordinator. 

I called her and inquired how much she had paid this “planner?”  The answer was shocking- $1600.00 and I quickly instructed her to get the money back and THEN call me!  Here’s the problem- numerous occurrences of someone paying someone else who doesn’t do what they are hired to do and then call me to “clean up the mess” and NOT BE COMPENSATED are “barking up the wrong tree.”  The Pawning Planners do not work for free.  If you are submitting a trade- your proposal will be appraised prior to my committing services.

From houses to boats to cars to trucks to antiques, shoes, jewelry and more, we will barter for any event on just about anything but- “putting some skin in the game” is a requirement not an option.  I’ve heard I don’t have any money so many times and then watched social media postings of the very same couple on a luxurious vacation, buying a new car or spending the money they claimed they didn’t have that it would make your head swim! 

My suggestion to these “we don’t have any money” folks is that you wait until you do.  If you want something badly enough you need to work for it or sacrifice for it in some way.  I do, my family does and so do most other people.

We work hard and often do things we weren’t hired to do (tear down- set up) RARELY but made an exception yesterday because Laurie Melo is struggling with bone cancer and also because she had no one else on hand other than a helpful guest to help us with tearing down and setting up.  Special thanks to that wonderful young lady for pitching in when she realized we needed another hand.  

Laurie had hired us to do the photography.  I loaned inventory as a courtesy to keep her expenses down and prevent her from having to purchase more decorations as we as loaning her my server set and crystal champagne glasses because my family and I often go “the extra mile” and keep our clients happy. 

 Photography by Texas Twins Events Team- Laurie Melo Dream Wedding For Her Son.

Minor emergencies at weddings are common and three boutenniers along with safety pins were needed from my SUV (see? I plan ahead baby!).  Minutes before the ceremony the ring pillows were lost and smoke from a fire pit was causing allergy attacks.  All of these issues were quickly addressed by myself and my team because we know what we are doing, we plan ahead and we are committed.

I advised my sad bride who emailed to contact the wedding planner she had hired and PAID by certified mail and demand a refund for Breach of Contract.  Who had ever heard of charging to visit each and every venue?  I also advised Andrea that we cannot and will not work for free.  Five years ago when I started Texas Twins Events, I offered low cost services and ceremonies to stay competitive and help struggling consumers BUT my intention was never to have myself and my family work for free.  Like anyone else we have bills to pay and expenses to cover and would appreciate all the folks who claim they don’t have any money to please find someone else willing to work for free.

Sponsored events by me are rare for a very good reason and are not an everyday (or even every month) occurence.  

While I do care about your story and want to help you,  my twin sister Cindy Daniel has a truthful twist to the prospects “wanting everything and offering nothing in return,” with her saucy #Cindyism “you can’t profit from the harvest if you didn’t plant the crop!”

If you are unwilling to offer a trade, or payment- you are unwilling to put any skin in the game yourself and effectively I’m going to wish you good luck…there are very few vendors willing to work for free or work for “promises” of payment after the event for a very good reason, they’ve been burned too!

Wendy M Wortham