Yesterday while trying to cram a loveseat into my SUV, my saucy twin sister came up with yet another of her hilarious #Cindyism Life Quotes “You Can’t Profit From The Harvest If You Don’t Plant The Crops” shove that on in or we will have to go rent a truck! Cindy Daniel and I will go to nearly any length to keep from renting a truck. Why? It cuts into our profit margin.
Although there have been a few timeswhen even duct tape and rope wouldn’t help us haul our latest Texas Twins Treasures bartered item back to my workroom, we almost always find a way without renting a truck.
Sofas and large items have to be something we know we can flip for a profit because they require a truck and also because the fabric and labor expense are fairly hefty.
A few years ago- what I thought would be a lucrative flip turned out to be a flop with a Baroque Tub Sofa & Ottoman. Due to the depth of the sofa and chair, I had to “create” an ottoman because I knew anyone under 5’7 would have a really hard time getting back out of the very deep furniture and possibly “cut into my bottom line” because furniture too deep can often be hard to flip unless the buyer is fairly tall.
Those of you wondering how expensive finding a coordinating ottoman and then buying or bartering the upholstery along with the labor involved are “spot on” thinking this wasn’t a cheap endeavor but I am OCD and have made costly mistakes now and then like anyone else.
I have never “pretended to make a profit everytime” because that’s not who I am and my loyal readers respect my candor about bartering in exchange for wedding and event services.
But, let’s get back to that set-when I initially agreed to this barter for event services, I asked the client whether or not the set could be resold as is or would it need to be refurbished and reupholstered? The photos were so grainy that it was hard to tell.
This flip would be a learning curve the hard way because I trusted the client and didn’t go see the set prior to renting the truck which was a huge mistake! Arriving at the warehouse with my twin sister and brother in law to help load these items, the condition was horrific and the furniture smelled moldy. I had decided that since I’d already paid for the truck rental to suck it up and go through with the barter thinking I would need at least 12 yards of upholstery ($600-800) and the cost Terry would charge me to refurbish the sofa ($375-460) and the tub chair ($175-225).
I made a mistake by trusting the client leading me to believe this set would be a quick flip AND renting a truck at my own expense. Since I’m always asked why we require Appraisal Appointments for bartered events-this set is the reason that I can’t blindly trust a client to be truthful because I’m still trying to sell this set 3 years later. The weight and cost for freight and packaging have prevented me from successfully flipping this set. I’ve had many who wanted to buy it but after getting freight quotes, they backed out. Eventually this set will sell but it will sell to someone local.
The truth is that $1400 later on the sofa and tub chair on fabric and labor, I spent another $600 on an ottoman and upholstery with labor to “match it” to the set. My out of pocket expense to refurbish this set is easily 2k plus $210 for the truck and approximately $30 for the stain. Although the finished set turned out beautifully, it is incredibly heavy which factors in with freight costs.
It’s not free, cheap or easy to flip furniture. By the time you factor in my expenses to bring this beautiful set back to its former glory AND the cost of the event services that were bartered in exchange for the furniture- I made a $4k mistake.
Since I’m often asked how I make Texas Twins Events, Texas Twins Treasures & The Pawning Planners work by others who want to barter- I’m going to be honest and tell you that getting into the bartering business takes money. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you will effectively “figure it out” when you lose money on a flip- I did.
Many of the items you see at Texas Twins Treasures are chairs. Why? Money. It’s far cheaper to flip chairs based on fabric and labor than it is larger items AND the bonus? I don’t need a truck.
Normally, I could care less about the condition. These beautiful 1920’s wingback chairs were mauve and had numerous stains and tears to the fabric but what I was looking at was the structure. Without a solid foundation, these chairs would easily go from a flip to a flop! Luckily, the wood was in excellent condition and I used my trademark contrast welt, band and seat pad to make this pair of chairs a Texas Twins Treasures unique find. I’m always thinking & planning my latest designs in my workroom.
We currently have 9 pieces in the warehouse in various stages of reupholstering, restaining or refurbishing. March-July are “in season” months in the events business which often keep us hopping so much that bartered items often sit until we can get them ready to list at Texas Twins Treasures. Those end tables were well hidden in a barn which is why I often say “you’ve got to be willing to dig through the junk and we are!”
If I believed everyone who contacted me saying “I don’t have any trade or any money but I need this,” I wouldn’t have any money! I can’t take someone’s word after too many times of sponsoring their event only to later find out that they just bought a new Mercedes or went on a honeymoon to Italy. If you are seeking a sponsored event, Appraisal Appointments are a requirement-NO EXCEPTIONS.
Many of our friends and followers find the differences between my twin sister and I funny. We are compensating personalities and my sister is a self professed Hillbilly. Cindy is outgoing spirited AND hilarious.
She is also never at a loss for words either as evidenced in this blog-GingerTwin Cindy Daniel-Creator Of #Cindyism Quotes Used On Pawning Planners Apparel. My twin is my best friend, my business partner & buddy- we do everything together!

Twins With A Twist-Cindy Daniel & Wendy Wortham The Pawning Planners Photo By Leigh Ann Blais Maddie & Me Photography For Texas Twins Events
The Little Pawners Maryssa & Makenna love matching clothes and hair but Cindy hates dressing like me and she also loves hair so big that we often have trouble getting in and out of our SUV’s. My twin may go without make up but you will never see her without her iconic weaves and headwear!
Our clients love my twin sister as do I. Many of my clients were surprised about expanding Texas Twins Events & The Pawning Planners to add Prison Weddings to my already “slammed ass busy” schedule but I believe that Prison Weddings & LBGT Weddings have one thing in common-acceptance of others who can’t understand that these clients are families. LBGT Couples and Prisoners marrying are often discriminated against simply because they aren’t considered a “traditional couple” there are many who disagree with laws put in place for equality.
Last night, a number from Texas went to the trouble to call me (my phone number is public, my address is public, my social media profiles are public), to tell me “I just heard that you not only do Prison Weddings but you also do interracial and gay weddings! What is wrong with you and your family? I’m a Christian and think you need to re evaluate your choices for clients.”
Oh? Really? My clients have almost always been treated “differently” by other vendors & hypocrites by the time they find me. I refuse to change my views or empathy because it “bothers” a few hypocrites. I’m going to suggest that my critics who don’t condone my client base go find a more constructive way to spend their time. Perhaps volunteering or fundraising? Ya all obviously have far too much time on your hands!
What may be “controversial” to a few of my readers isn’t “controversial” to me. Everyone deserves to find love and to be loved. Throughout my life I have believed that no matter who you are or what your lifestyle is or whatever mistakes you’ve made-Love is Love! To find my link for Prison Weddings in Texas, visit this link-Prison Weddings With Wendy Wortham.
Although I’m licensed to officiate in 39 states, I’m planning a year or so before expanding Prison Weddings to other states due to my other businesses and clients in Texas. I’m also on staff at numerous venues including BellTower Chapel-Wendy Wortham LBGT Friendly Officiant At BellTower Chapel.
I recently expanded officiants on my Texas Twins Events staff to address requests when I’m previously booked. We now offer FOUR officiants to serve your needs. Wedding Coordination or Planning with Wendy Wortham & Cindy Daniel aka The Pawning Planners is available at an hourly fee.
Since I have production companies contacting me several times a month and following my blogs and videos, my story and our journey are unique.
I knew that all along which is why I went to the expense and trouble to Trademark & Copyright The Pawning Planners, Texas Twins Treasures & Texas Twins Events.
The Pawning Planners is also registered as an autobiography with The Writers Guild Of America under Wendy Wortham.
All content and photography are owned solely by Wendy Wortham. Reproducing “our story” or using content to create a similar story, character (s), or plot line based on our journey won’t be considered a “compliment” by me or my multigenerational staff.
I can promise you there isn’t another person who would go to the lengths that I have to help anyone. Starting a business based on people over profit that rebranded and expanded as many times as I have and involving my family of two sets of twins along with our quirky and compensating personalities & completely different client base isn’t a “scripted story.” It is my life and I’m blatantly honest regarding my successes and setbacks. From the Broken Toothed Bride to The Banjo Playing Boyfriend, content in blogs at Texas Twins Events, Texas Twins Treasures, The Pawning Planners & Texas Twins TV actually happened and these blogs or the clients are “different” because they aren’t “Scripted Characters” they are actual people who have drama and conflict because their past or their life left them with limited resources that put them in a position of coming to me when no one else would help them. We have Diva’s and Disasters because Real People are unpredictable. One set of clients have money and a White Collar Life. The other set of clients have no money and a Blue Collar Life. The reason Texas Twins Events Clients are “polished” is money. Pawning Planners Clients lack the luxury of money but are hardworking families who deserve a beautiful event. If you aren’t aware of the differences, you aren’t wholly grasping “my story.” Life isn’t “cut & dry” my clients and my businesses aren’t either.
Cindy and I are currently under contract until September 2017 and therefore not considering signing on with a network or production company for a new project until October 2017.
While we appreciate your interest, I’m currently working on a book with my sister documenting the past 6 years of an incredible journey of twists & turns, flips & flops, along with rebranding and expanding my businesses.
Yes, I know, “you heard about us” or you think we are funny” and even “you’ve been searching for years for great characters & variety” but my reasons for protecting my intellectual property were based (in part) on my knowledge that a story like this has never been told before.
I knew we were different, I knew our clients would be different and I knew our story would be “creative” but my blogs are a diary of where we’ve been, where we are going and what we have accomplished.
Finding a production company willing to understand my journey and accurately depict it has been like looking for a needle in a haystack.
We don’t only help clients with no money by bartering. We don’t only help clients with money booking through Texas Twins Events & we don’t only refurbish trades. Three businesses work together to keep things going here. The clients from Texas Twins Events & The Pawning Planners have nothing in common with each other outside of the fact that they booked an event with us. Buyers for Texas Twins Treasures items are not previous clients. I don’t buy items from clients. The clients want an event and don’t have money. My sister and I go into their homes and try to find items of value. Often these items need to be “fixed up” so we do that too and sell them to cover the cost of their event. An “easier” way to understand how it all works would be to “think in a circle.” My businesses work in a circle.
Duplicate Content is strictly prohibited. From blogs, to names, to photos and our journey-I protected this real story with real people from the start intentionally.
We have two teams of photographers to address your needs with my beautiful niece Leigh Ann Blais coming “on board” with a new FB page “Maddie & Me Photography For Texas Twins Events.”
My son and daughter in law are also rebranding & expanding to book personal photography sessions with a new FB page “Stephanie & Me Photography For Texas Twins Events” available by appointment.
From backyards to barns, karate studios, cargo planes, and even prisons- we never know where we will wind up next but–“We are changing the wedding and events industry one family (or barter) at a time from Fort Worth, Texas!”
Flips & Flops are part of our journey but experience has taught me to say no and occasionally I do to an upside down trade. We also take cash, check or credit card when a barter won’t fly. Visit for more information and a list of services.
Wendy M Wortham
Comments by Wendy Wortham