I’m often surprised by the requests of clients who have no money- they want everything but don’t want to “put any skin in the game!”
When clients come to me with photos of “what they want” and have no idea of the cost involved, I often have to educate them. While I would one day love to have a venue and Texas Twins Treasures storefront, when I do the venue will not be free. Like anyone else, I expect to get paid and, if you have no money, I take trades. What I don’t do is work for free and have no plans to start working for free after five years in the wedding and events industry along with thousands of dollars invested in my “venture.” Sometimes “educating a client isn’t easy” when they have an idea of what they want but have spent no time researching their desires!
With school out, Cindy and I have our hands full keeping our Mini Me twins busy and they often accompany us to client meetings & Appraisal Appointments.
Finding something to do everyday while Maryssa and Makenna are out of school while blending it with my schedule of events and Appraisal Appointments can sometimes be “challenging.”
The twins stay with my husband and I Wednesday through Friday while Cindy works her part time “gig” as brand ambassador for Proctor & Gamble and her daughter, Stephaney Mahaney works as a waitress. We are a “working” family with everyone taking on part time jobs along with working for me Friday- Sunday at events, fundraisers and volunteering for numerous charities and organizations.
Suggesting an area park and inquiring about the food- our latest new client had no idea what their budget was. I need to know in order to plan my staff and our timelines to accommodate clients and, whether you are booking through Texas Twins Events (cash or check) or The Pawning Planners (bartering your event).
Although attempting to “please everyone all the time isn’t easy,” we sometimes have to bring these brides “back down to earth” because I’m not operating a My Fair Wedding type of business. There are no large corporations donating items, there are no corporate sponsors and there are no fairy Godmothers.
Bending over backwards to keep clients happy has never been an easy or inexpensive task. I created Pawning Planners Apparel to “fill the gap” of clients with no money but, if you have over the top requests or ideas- you must understand that The Pawning Planners sponsor 5-10 events a year and for clients I’ve personally interviewed in their home to ensure they have no money or no trade.Over the top requests are as baffling to me as the Little Pawners saying their bored- if I had a moment to be bored myself- rest assured that I would enjoy every second of it!
Running to my next client meeting with the twins in tow, today like most of my others days will be busy, busy, busy!
Wendy Wortham Low Cost Religious Ceremonies & Event Services-Family Owned & Operated- Texas Twins Events
Comments by Wendy Wortham