This morning I read an email requesting more information regarding a list of services available in exchange for bartered items.
Texas Twins Events offer: Wedding Officiants, Religious Ceremonies, Loaned Floral Designs, estate liquidation services, Pawning Parties (we advertise and market a sale at your location and liquidate your home furnishings in order to pay your rent or mortgage and take a small percentage in exchange), low cost photography packages, memorial ceremonies, party and event planning, and just about anything else you may need help with by visiting this link, you can easily find a list of options: View Services & Pricing At Texas Twins Events.
Reporters often ask if my family is involved at all of our events and they are at many of them because I often need a “team.” Everyone contributes in order to overcome an issue on site that may require additional manpower. It’s often better to have too many than not enough in order to properly execute an event.
My “team” of family members all contribute in different areas of execution Texas Twins Events Team staff members have worked at hundreds of functions with me and enjoy meeting new people along our journey to make weddings and events affordable to anyone regardless of their income.
Many of our clients are low to middle class consumers who had nowhere else to turn. I changed all of that by starting a business that offers services far below the industry standard. My reasons were simple because I had struggled to find affordable options when my son married.
We have a bilingual translator on staff to address language barriers as well as a hearing impaired specialist because the need exists to overcome these barriers at our events.
I’ve also “run into” issues of hair and makeup on location and Stephaney is capable of doing a quick makeover when needed. Our Little Pawners help with children in the wedding while also standing in as flower girls, ring bearers and ushers. My twin sister helps with minor emergencies such as torn hems, broken shoes, bug bites and other unexpected issues while also keeping the guests and wedding party entertained with her quick whit and humor. Addressing the issue of low cost and affordable photography, I purchased camera equipment and enlisted my son and his wife to handle photos on location. Often the families who come to me have no money for music or a singer. My niece Leigh Ann fills the gap by joining my team as a wedding singer. When you hire me to officiate your ceremony, I ask a lot of questions for a very good reason, I need to know what you don’t already have and whether you are offering a trade in exchange for services. If so, I need to make an appointment in order to appraise the trade.
Reverend Wendy Wortham- Owner Of Texas Twins Events, The Pawning Planners, & Texas Twins Treasures Is An Experienced Public Speaker, Floral Designer & Marketing Specialist Who Understands Clients Needs
When I needed clothes, I worked as a model at style shows to find a career wardrobe that I couldn’t otherwise afford for many years while working other jobs. Throughout my life I’ve worked 2-3 jobs at the same time as a single mother. Coming up with marketing strategies that no one else had ever used gave me the “edge” of working smarter than my fellow salespeople. I am a survivor! When going through my second divorce left me without a car several years ago, I took a job at Cadillac as a new car salesperson. I had never sold cars before but the demo offered solved my transportation issues. How could I exceed sales? Hiring a photographer, I made my own print ads and published them at country clubs targeting the correct market and worked by appointment to meet my clients needs. I do things differently because I’ve had to and knowing the struggles clients who came to me dealt with, I’ve worked hard to overcome any barrier they faced.
My twin and I weren’t “born with silver spoons.” Hardships have been a way of life for us after our mother abandoned us at 6 years old and we left home at 15. Throughout our lives we have sold just about anything and everything to pay the bills and learned to “flip” items we found at yard sales and thrift stores which is key to “hitting a lick” in the bartering business. We’ve never been afraid of hard work and struggled when both of our husbands lost their jobs, we worked as brand ambassadors promoting products for others to pay the bills. Product knowledge is key to surpassing quotas and together we have overcome many setbacks. It takes determination and grit to be successful and my team get the job done! I am the only wedding vendor that loans wedding bouquets, boutenniers, Centerpieces, cake trays & more because I recognized our clients couldn’t afford these luxuries and created an inventory to address their needs.
Free photography?! Yes, if our clients have no money to pay the photography team- we gift their photos at no expense to them.
Blogging in lieu of advertising? You bet! I write blogs for all of my websites and use creative content to stay on top of search engines.
How many websites do I operate? Texas Twins TV Texas Twins Treasures and this site as well as Debt Survival Info. Why do I have a debt site? Well my friend I struggled through the real estate crash when planning my son’s wedding which is why I started Texas Twins Events. Knowing the difficulty everyone who had been in my shoes faced, I realized the solution was to start a low cost alternative for people that I later expanded to involve “flipping” trades.
Having survived the obstacles put in my path made me even more compassionate and understanding of my client base.
While many find this interesting journey I’ve shared through my blogs unique, I have reached back and helped hundreds of families that no one else within my industry was willing to help.
Finding ways to give back to my community, I’m actively involved in numerous organizations that include the LBGT families who faced discrimination and difficulty finding a friendly minister in Fort Worth, Texas and surrounding cities.
Why do I still volunteer as a hospice clergy? Many dying clienrs are not members of a church and the need exists to give them comfort and hope during their last moments. Working as a hospice clergy isn’t easy, it’s sad and tragic but my volunteer efforts help families transition.
Why do I sponsor families who have no money and nothing to trade? I sell Pawning Planners Apparel and items at Texas Twins Treasures to help find these families because I believe in giving back to strangers.
What are my goals for the future of Texas Twins Events and The Pawning Planners? I hope to one day have a storefront to open Texas Twins Treasures that can also be used as a wedding venue in order to have a brick and mortar business.
When are you planning to publish Travels of the Texas Twins? My journey these past five years has always been an interesting dive and sharing it with my family has given us a few hilarious memories. I’m still working on my memoirs and hope to self publish in the near future.
I hope this better explains what we do and how but welcome your questions and comments at any of my websites by using the contact us link.
Wendy M Wortham
Comments by Wendy Wortham