Category: Texas Twins TV

Traveling with Two Sets of Twins and the Team is Always Interesting! The Pawning Planners Ride Again Ya All…

Yesterday while doing my usual running around to pack both SUV’s, make sure everyone went to the bathroom and going…

Why I love Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas and You Will Too!

Tucked away in the rustic hills of Somervell County, you will discover giraffes, wildebeest, zebras and other endangered animals that…

If today were your last day on earth, would you live it differently? Do you wonder how others perceive your generous spirit or worry that you will be taken advantage of? Living life with half empty or half full or, last day on earth attitude can change the way you think and more importantly, the way you treat others. Often, their cup is half empty whether you realize it or not. Smiling has become a thing of the past unless, of course, someone is taking a "selfie." Did you know that an open smile can radiate an open heart? It can and it does for every person you meet has a burden or a cross to bear of their own and the simple gift of your smile can lighten their step and improve their spirit. If this were your last day on earth- would you take the time to pat your dogs head, kiss your wife or husband or even tell your children that you are proud of them for their accomplishments at school and within their community? Everyone is in such a hurry these days and focused on "what they have to accomplish" that taking a moment to hold that door, saying please or thank you and even reaching back to help someone who has slipped or fallen down have become "extra steps" that many have turned a "blind eye" towards. If you went to bed this evening and considered the many times throughout your day and the many opportunities to extend your hand to a stranger, would you be pleased with your own answer? When strangers ask why I would create a business not based on earning income, they are often shocked by my answer, why not? Ironically, unless you've been poor, the expense a wedding or celebration is something you may never have had to worry about affording. At a very young age, my twin, Cindy Daniel and I visited nursing homes and brought gifts to strangers who were happy to see us. It was then that we learned the kindness of strangers who have no one were far more receptive to kindness than people we did know. Treating strangers with kindness and respect is free, it doesn't cost you anything. Rather than judging someone simply because they are different, embrace them along with their unique attributes and you will be glad that you took the time to learn their unique stories. Life is fragile take the time to live your own to the fullest by including those around you.





The Half Empty/Half Full Philosophy For Compassion

If today were your last day on earth, would you live it differently? Do you wonder how others perceive your…

Harmony Fellowship of Fort Worth Spring Sing Concert

Located at 824 Pennsylvania Ave Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (510) 646-0824 is perhaps one of the “hippest” and fun…

Cindy “I just work here” Daniel Continues To Crack Me Up…

My twin sisters idea of “working” is usually hilarious and, when interrupted during her “work” is often offended at the…

How to Prepare a Eulogy For a Close Friend or Relative…

Today at dinner my husband asked an odd question about eulogies. Everyone is uncomfortable when speaking at a funeral- including…

What Do You Do When Being Filmed & Chaos Erupts? The Best You Can Buddy!

When you’re being followed by cameramen and wearing a mike, everything you wouldn’t want anyone to know that could go…

Texas Hill Country Castles- Falkenstein Castle and Castle Avalon Interesting Architectures For Weddings & Filming

Recently I was contacted regarding traveling to coordinate and officiate a Hill Country Wedding with my Texas Twins Events Team,…

I’ve Never Understood Why Some Companies Use A Carrot On A Stick To Lead Employees…

You know my twin sister, Cindy Daniel uses humor and laughing as coping mechanisms for life. She has done this…

I’ve Always Loved Vintage Trucks, Cindy Is More of a Woody Girl We Would BOTH Love a Dune Buggy!

Classic car shows in Texas normally feature a two door coupe. I have no idea why since this is a…

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